Nasrallah’s death throws more uncertainty into Lebanon’s political disarray.

By Erika Solomon from NYT Plagued by years of political dysfunction, Lebanese leaders could try to use Israel’s weakening of Hezbollah to form a government. It would be a dangerous balancing act that also risks provoking deeper conflict.World

Congress Honors U.S. Service Members Killed During Afghanistan Withdrawal

By Karoun Demirjian from NYT Leaders awarded the Congressional Gold Medal to the families of 13 military service members killed during the evacuation, as Republicans seek to use the attack to tarnish Vice President Kamala Harris.U.S.

Inesperadamente, Hunter Biden propone declararse culpable en un caso fiscal

By Glenn Thrush and Lauren Herstik from NYT El hijo menor del presidente Joe Biden dio el inusual paso de acogerse a un acuerdo tipo Alford, reconociendo que había pruebas suficientes para condenarlo, aunque expresó su inocencia respecto a los mismos cargos.En español

En Francia, 51 hombres van a juicio por un caso de violación con drogas

By Catherine Porter and Ségolène Le Stradic from NYT Se acusa a un hombre de drogar a su esposa y luego invitar a decenas de hombres a violarla durante casi una década. Los interrogantes que plantea el caso han conmocionado al país.En español

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