¿En qué casos se justifica que la policía emplee la fuerza letal?

By BY ADEEL HASSAN from NYT La muerte de Tyre Nichols, un hombre negro de 29 años que falleció tras una detención violenta, está suscitando una atención renovada sobre el uso excesivo de la fuerza contra los ciudadanos, sobre todo los jóvenes negros.en Español https://ift.tt/dOpHlKz

Manhattan Prosecutors Will Begin Presenting Trump Case to Grand Jury

By BY WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM, BEN PROTESS AND JONAH E. BROMWICH from NYT The Manhattan district attorney’s decision represents a dramatic escalation of the inquiry, and potentially sets the case on a path toward criminal charges against the former president.New York https://ift.tt/a3Mk9W7

In a 911 call, Paul Pelosi tries to summon help without angering the intruder.

By BY THE NEW YORK TIMES from NYT In the audio released on Friday, Mr. Pelosi’s voice is calm and his words carefully chosen as he tries to convey the danger he is in without angering the intruder, who would go on to brutally attack him.U.S. https://ift.tt/OdRy0XL

Release of police video is timed with public reaction in mind.

By BY ELIZA FAWCETT AND JESUS JIMÉNEZ from NYT Sometimes body camera footage is made public within hours; other times it takes months. Memphis officials chose a time when businesses would be closed and the charges over Tyre Nichols’s death were already known.U.S. https://ift.tt/ajz8ct6

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