Investigators say a Trump aide took it upon himself to award hefty pandemic contracts.

By BY SHERYL GAY STOLBERG from NYT Peter Navarro, frustrated by the snail’s pace response to Covid-19, gave contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars to politically connected or novice companies, according to a House inquiry.World

Clerk Who Questioned $20 Bill Watched Floyd Arrest With ‘Disbelief and Guilt’

By BY JOHN ELIGON, SHAILA DEWAN, TIM ARANGO AND NICHOLAS BOGEL-BURROUGHS from NYT During the third day of Derek Chauvin’s trial, witness after witness agonized over whether they could have done anything to stop what would eventually happen to George Floyd.U.S.

Matt Gaetz investigado por posible tráfico sexual, según fuentes

By BY MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT, KATIE BENNER AND NICHOLAS FANDOS from NYT En los últimos meses del gobierno de Trump el Departamento de Justicia abrió una investigación en torno al congresista por Florida, dijeron personas con conocimiento del asunto.en Español

‘It Wasn’t Right’: Young Witnesses Offer Emotional Testimony in Chauvin Trial

By BY JOHN ELIGON, TIM ARANGO AND NICHOLAS BOGEL-BURROUGHS from NYT On the second day of Derek Chauvin’s trial, eyewitnesses painted a harrowing and consistent picture of what they saw during the fatal arrest of George Floyd.U.S.

Chauvin Trial: Day 2 Key Moments

By BY CHRISTINA KELSO AND LUCAS LILIEHOLM from NYT As the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former police officer accused of killing George Floyd, continued on Tuesday in Minneapolis, the prosecution and the defense used witness testimony to focus on how the arrest unfolded.U.S.

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