Elecciones 2020: el Partido Republicano postula a Trump y el demócrata Biden aún lleva la ventaja

By BY ANNIE KARNI AND ASTEAD W. HERNDON from NYT Ponte al día: las últimas cifras, lo que te perdiste de la convención, el enfoque del presidente Trump en el futuro de la economía y los supuestos riesgos que corre la “grandeza” del país en caso de que Joe Biden fuera electo.en Español https://ift.tt/3hM7seV

Stories of 2020: Five Lives Caught in a Year of Upheaval and Pain

By BY PETER BAKER, JOHN BRANCH, JOHN ELIGON, REID J. EPSTEIN, DAN LEVIN AND MARC STEIN from NYT In a year that has filled morgues, emptied schools, shuttered workplaces, swelled unemployment lines and polarized the electorate, these are a few of the Americans struggling to respond.U.S. https://ift.tt/3gJPdVW

Veteranos militares buscan una cura en retiros de terapia alucinógena en la selva

By BY ERNESTO LONDOÑO AND ADAM FERGUSON from NYT La ayahuasca atrae a miles de personas cada año, entre ellas a soldados retirados. Quienes ofrecen la sustancia son exponentes de un boyante mercado de la salud mental sin regulaciones ni permisos.en Español https://ift.tt/3hHQePM

‘A Hail Mary’: Psychedelic Therapy Draws Veterans to Jungle Retreats

By BY ERNESTO LONDOÑO AND ADAM FERGUSON from NYT Ayahuasca, a vomit-inducing hallucinogenic brew, draws thousands of people each year — including former soldiers — to jungle retreats that have become an unlicensed and unregulated mental health marketplace.World https://ift.tt/32CseXX

Deadly Shooting in Portland After Pro-Trump Ralliers Clash With Protesters

By BY MIKE BAKER from NYT A caravan of supporters of President Trump drove through downtown Portland, which has seen nightly protests against police violence and racial injustice. One person was shot and killed in the conflicts that erupted.U.S. https://ift.tt/3jmJHKA

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